The 2019-20 hockey season is quickly approaching! The ice will be available mid- late August. Hockey is growing tremendously in the Panhandle, including the adult leagues. We had tremendous success with our first ever Adult LTP program last year. We offered 30 spots and had them filled in less than a week. This season our goal is to fill 50 spots. We currently have 25 or more on the waiting list. The ALTP link will be open for registration on Wednesday July 17th. This program is extremely popular, so if you have friends, family or buddies that are wanting to play- please have them ready to sign up so they don’t miss out!
Adding 50 new spots will increase our numbers significantly. We expect over 80 returning players. We will have a total of 130 adult players available for the leagues this season. Our goal is to field eight B League teams, and three A League teams this season. That’s an average of around 11-12 skaters and a goalie per team.
Both leagues will start on September 15th, 2019. The last regular season games will end the weekend before Hockey Day in Texas – February 15 & 16, 2020. The playoffs will begin after Hockey Day and will end by Friday April 10th, 2020.
B League Schedule Format: We will do our very best to schedule the B league games on Sunday afternoon/ evenings. The B league will play their first game at 4:15 PM and the final game will conclude at 9:15 PM on each Sunday we have available ice. Scheduling games this way will be more practical and convenient for refs, score keepers and goalies. We may have to schedule some weekday games depending on overall ice availability.
A League Schedule Format: We decided to reduce the amount of A league teams from 4 to 3 this season to maximize the competitive spirit and increase the speed of play. The A league will play Monday- Thursday evenings depending on the weekly schedule and ice availability. Each team will rotate on a three- week schedule where they play one game/ week for two weeks and on the third week the team will have 2 games. By moving the B league to Sunday- the A league will now have earlier time slots on weeknights.
New Rules/ Regulations:
There will be no affiliate players this season. Players may only stay in the league they are assigned after registration. AHAI and the Hockey Operations Board will do their very best to fit players into the appropriate league. The ranking of players, and selection of players will be based on the following:
Here is some important information, so please read carefully and understand the timeline and deadlines for registration and other events.
Adult League Season Fee: $600 (plus 2.8% +$1.25/ transaction processing fee)
Order total:
Payment Plan Option: $624.30
Pay in Full Option: $616.80
USA Hockey Membership Number: Each player is required to have a USAH # before you are permissible to register in the AHAI system. The membership serves as an insurance policy for any hockey related injuries. It is mandatory to have this to participate in hockey throughout America. The fee is $46.00.
You can pay in full or do an automatic payment plan:
Aug 15: $174.30 |
Sep 15: $90 |
Oct 15: $90 |
Nov 15: $90 |
Dec 15: $90 |
Jan 15: $90 |
Fee includes:
The deadline to register is: Sunday SEPTEMBER 8, 2019 (You may risk the chance to play this season if you miss the deadline)
We will not determine the draft format until registration is complete. The goal of AHAI is to create as much parity as possible between the teams and leagues. With the new format of 8 B teams and 3 A teams- we will have some adjusting to do.
Location: TBD. We will send an email with more draft details after the registration deadline.
Adult Drop In
The Bulls will place drop in hockey on the monthly Civic Center schedule as the availability of ice permits. Each session will cost $10 and will be cash only. We will not be pre-selling punch cards this season. The schedule will be updated monthly on Sport Engine and on the Bulls website.
We appreciate your dedication and commitment to hockey in Amarillo! We are very excited to start a new chapter, with more teams, and more players. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the Program Director, Austin Sutter.
Tag(s): Home Links Information Adult League A Rattlers Lone Stars Gorillas Wranglers Adult League B Ice Skating Ice Skating School Wranglers B Gorillas B Tournaments Dallas Stars LTP Adult League A Rattlers Lone Stars Gorillas Wranglers Adult League B Wranglers B Gorillas B Lone Stars B Rattlers B Ice Skating School