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AHAI's Codes of Conduct

AHAI's Codes of Conduct

Code of Conduct Information


The following is a copy of the agreement that each AHAI coach has with the association

A.Rules for Coaches

  1. Head Coach is responsible for choosing their assistant coaches and team managers. The Program Director reserves the right for approval or disapproval.
  2. Coaches must attend all games and practices or arrange for a proper substitute
  3. Coaches cannot use any tobacco, beverages containing alcohol, or any substance defined by law as a drug in the locker room or on the bench.
  4. Coaches are not allowed to physically, emotionally, or psychologically abuse any player, parent, game official or directors.
  5. Only registered coaches of participating teams are allowed on the bench during the game. Coaches must enforce this rule. The maximum number of managers/ coaches allowed on the bench is four.
  6. Only rostered team members and coaches are allowed on the ice during games, practices or scrimmages unless other arrangements have been made with the Program Director.
  7. The coach and/ or assistant coach is required to be in the locker room with his/ her team until the last participant has left the locker room
  8. In accordance to TAHA and USA Hockey rules, coaches must wear a certified helmet at all times when on the ice participating in AHAI activities.
  9. Coach jackets are not paid for by the association.
  10. Coaches are required to maintain a minimum USA Hockey certification. All coaches must enter USA Hockey’s Coaching Education Program at Level 1, and must continue their education with a coaching clinic each year until, at minimum, they achieve a Level 3. A coach may only attend one (1) certification per year (not including age specific modules). Once level 3 is achieved, periotic renewal is required for coaches who have not achieved a Level 4.


B.Guidelines for Coaches

  1. Coaches should show good sportsmanship at all times
  2. Coach’s main objective is to teach hockey
  3. Coaches are required to play all players as equally as possible and in accordance with the AHAI Play Policy
  4. Coaches should be available to discuss any problems with the participants and or parents.
  5. Coaches are required to attend coaches’ development meetings held throughout the season.
  6. Coaches are required to at least two player/ parent conferences during the season to inform, educate, idea share and/ or discuss appropriate matters. This should be a positive and informative experience.
  7. Coaches must complete a mid-term and end-of-the-year evaluation of each player. Mid-year evaluations are due by January 15th, 2021.
  8. Coaches are responsible for all communications to players/ parents and t should be done in a timely manner.
  9. Make sure that your players understand and abide by the PLAYER'S CODE.
  10. Be reasonable in your demands on the young player's time, energy and enthusiasm.  Remember that they have other interests and being able to pursue those interests, as well as hockey, will help them maintain their enthusiasm and make them better hockey players.
  11. Teach your players that the rules of the game are mutual agreements which no one should evade or break.  Without them, there would be no game.
  12. Remember that participants play for fun and enjoyment and that winning is only part of it.  Never ridicule or yell at the player for making a mistake or losing a competition.
  13. Develop team respect for the ability of the opponents, as well as for the judgment of officials and opposing coaches.
  14.  Follow the advice of a physician when determining when an injured player is ready to play.  Player must obtain a letter from physician authorizing play.
  15. Remember that players need a coach they can respect and look up to...Be generous with your praise when it is deserved and set a good example.
  16. AHAI coaches are subject to and must pass background checks.
  17. Do what is right, do it for the right reason and do it now!

C.Consequences for Coaches

  1. Verbal warning with written summary
  2. Written warning
  3. Game suspensions
  4. Removal from coaching and/ or AHAI


  1. Head Coach
  2. Program Director
  3. Hockey Operations Board
  4. Board of Directors

The following is a copy of the agreement that each AHAI coach has with the association:



A.Rules for Players

1.Players must attend all games and practices unless they have notified the head coach. If not properly notified, the coach may apply consequences.

  1. Play for the (fun of it, not just to please your parents or coach).
  2. Play by the rules.
  3. Never argue with the official's decisions. Let your captain or coach ask any necessary questions.
  4. Control you temper. No (mouthing off, throwing tantrums, breaking or throwing sticks or other equipment).
  5. Work equally hard for yourself and your team...your team's performance will benefit and so will you.
  6. Be a good sport. Cheer all good plays whether your teams' or your opponent's. Show some class.
  7. Treat all players as you would like to be treated. Don't interfere with, bully, or take advantage of any player.
  8. Remember that the goals of the game is to have fun, improve your skills and feel good.  Don't be a show off, always trying to get the most points or penalties. You are part of a team.
  9. Co-operate with your coach, team mates, officials and opponents.

B.Guidelines for Players

AHAI players will be positive role models on and off the playing field. AHAI expects dignity, respect and honesty. You are a member of a very select group of individuals and as a result, you will be scrutinized more than anyone your age. Everything you say and do is a reflection on you, your family, your teammates, your coaches and the AHAI. Being on our team is a privilege and not a right. With these privileges come great rewards but also important responsibilities.

  1. STATE LAWS/ PROGRAM POLICIES: AHAI teams will abide by all state laws and policies.
  4. DRUGS: A violation of using any of these three inhibitors will direct in team expulsion!
  5. STEALING: There is no place for stealing in a locker room
  6. DIVERSITY: We need to be sensitive and respectful for the rights, values, and differences of others.
  7. HAZING/ BULLYING: There will be absolutely no hazing, initiation or sexual abuse of a teammate.
  8. MEDICAL: Report all injury and illness to the head coach immediately.
  9. DRESSING ROOM: Have pride in your locker room at home and on the road. No spitting on the floor. The Bulls jersey shall never touch the floor.
  10. DRESS CODE FOR ELITE TEAMS AND JV/HS TEAMS: Jacket with Bulls logo, collared shirt, dress slacks, and dress shoes are to worn at all game (home/ away)
  11. NATIONAL ANTHEM: Pay proper respect for the national anthem.
  13. Be polite and respectful at all times.

C.Consequences for Players

  1. Verbal warning with written summary
  2. Written warning
  3. Game suspensions
  4. Removal


  1. Head Coach
  2. Program Director
  3. Hockey Operations Board
  4. Board of Directors


Violations of the Social Media Policy

The AHAI Board of Directors shall have the authority to monitor and enforce this Social Media Policy. The AHAI Board of Directors, and any individual appointed by the Board of Directors, shall have the authority to remove any inappropriate or offensive comments from official AHAI sites and to block any individual or organization from posting on any official AHAI social media platform if they determine, in their sole discretion, that such removal or block is in the best interests of AHAI.

The failure of any AHAI Member to adhere to this Social Media Policy shall be considered a violation of the AHAI Code of Conduct, and any AHAI Member who fails to adhere to this Social Media Policy shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of such individual’s involvement in AHAI, in accordance with the AHAI Disciplinary Procedures.